3 – Love at the Louvre


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The third painting in our Romantic Travel series is “Love at the Louvre”. Simple black and white with a pop of red!


Black and white paintings are great because they look complicated, but are actually so easy to teach because you only use two colors for most of the painting! This painting is part of a series of black and white with a red umbrella paintings, that encourage customers to come back and “add to their collection”! So if you have success with one of our B&W designs, market the series to your customers, and they’re sure to return for more! (See one customers gallery wall of her three paintings)

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Michele Van Patten-Muzones is the owner and lead designer for Art Rave Inc. With a degree in illustration from Columbia College in Chicago, and 17 years of commercial illustration experience, she brings her designs to life with a variety of easy to follow instructions. Having designed all the artwork for her own company for the last six years, she is keenly aware of what sells, and what techniques can be easily replicated by her instructors, ensuring a high degree of success for your painters. Each month Michele, along with her design partner, Pat Gipple, create new and exciting artwork to add to their gallery, and they are just now making it available to share with studios like yours, exclusively through Studio Marketplace!